Do You Have a Social Media Display Window?

One of the most innovative ways to think about Social Media Sites, such as Facebook, Instagram is like the retail display window. A display window is a window in a shop displaying items for sale or otherwise designed to attract customers to the store.  A communities Social Media Sites should be just the same, showcasing the experience of living at the community, enticing viewers to want to come in and visit or connect with the community for more information. All of the ideas below are great to showcase in not only photos, but videos as well. The communities social media page should showcase a little bit of each part of the renters experience such as:

  • Pre, During and Post Community Events (Creating the Fear of Missing Out)

  • Community Floor plans

  • Showcase specific amenities within the unit (IE: USB ports in the apartment home)

  • Amenities (Not just the amenity alone, but residents using the amenity)

  • Local Events (Share events from other local pages)